11th IBA International Conference
11th IBA International Conference
Theme: Towards New Vision For Globally Extended India
Date: March 22-24, 2018
Venue: Indus Business Academy Bangalore
For 8000 year old Indian civilization which preceded the creation of Westphalian state by centuries, the colonial struggle was one small yet significant episode Indian achievements in the era from Ganga to Gandhi and beyond, from Kaytilya to Modi, from Mahavira to Buddha to Aurobindo and beyond, from Indus valley to India in ‘US’ haven been significant underrated in the global power matrix. As we move towards digital knowledge underpinned socio economic structures, it is pertinent to draw up a vision for globally extended India.
As India seeks to rediscover its rightful place as a global player and restore the knowledge stocks accumulated over centuries, it is imperative to decode the likely responses. India’s response can manifest itself in multiple forms. The manifestation could perhaps at broader level be political, economic, social or technological but at a deeper level, the approach might be holistic or spiritual in nature.
To state or rather restate India’s capability building needs a catalyst be it in terms of countering national security threats or answering economic globalization or delocalization or counter currents to answer socio-ethnic challenges is rather stating the obvious. It depends to be seen how capacity building or new capacity creation across fronts evolve over the near future.
Aside of the hard power, it might involve strong push in exercise of soft power and perhaps going beyond supra-soft power. Furthermore, Indian cultural philosophical and ideological thoughts are getting renewed interest across different parts of the world. Indian talent, youth demographics etc. have literally placed India on the centre stage. No doubt, exciting times are ahead.
With this background, the conference was an attempt to be the forerunner in constructing a vision for what is being termed as New Era in Modernity (NEMO). NEMO entails the incorporation of the socio-political-economic contours being crafted to adapt to dynamic requirements for global world.
Organizing Committee
Prof. A V Ramana Acharyulu, Professor, Indus Business Academy
Prof. Geetha M. Rajaram, Professor, Indus Business Academy
Prof. Vaishali Agrawal, Asso.Professor, Indus Business Academy
Prof. B. M. Gourish, Asst. Professor, Indus Business Academy
Prof. Nagendra Hegde, Asst. Professor, Indus Business Academy
Prof. M.S. Prathibha Raj, Asst. Professor, Indus Business Academy
Social media footprint
Website: https://iba.ac.in/8th-iba-international-conference/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IBACONFERENCE/
Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/iba-international-conference-79875891
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibaconf
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