Mahashivratri 2023
One of the most auspicious festivals in India is Mahashivratri, which honours Lord Shiva, the god of annihilation, creation, and transformation. The event is commemorated on the fourteenth day of the dark (waning) half of the Phalguna or Magha lunar month, according to the Hindu calendar. The celebration honours both the union of Shiva and Parvati as well as the day when Shiva danced the Tandava, his holy dance.
On this day, worshippers all throughout the nation offer prayers to Lord Shiva, carry out pujas, and fast in order to obtain blessings and have their wishes granted.
The festival of Mahashivratri was celebrated by students enthusiastically in Indus Business Academy on February 18th 2023.
Early in the morning, students began adorning the campus grounds with flowers, lights, and rangolis as part of the festivities.
All of the students met in the santripti in the evening to conduct the puja. Mantra chanting and lamp lighting marked the start of the puja ritual. Then, as the sound of bells and the aroma of incense sticks filled the air, the students gave fruits, flowers, and milk to Lord Shiva. In order to heighten the festive atmosphere, the students also sung bhajans and devotional songs in honour of Lord Shiva.
Mahashivratri celebrations was a huge success, bringing together students from many communities and backgrounds to rejoice and be in unison. That was the ideal illustration of how celebrations can foster fraternity and help us appreciate the diversity of our country.