Workshop On Change Management
DATE: 26.9.2023 – 28.9.2023
The two-day workshop held by IBA on September 26th and 28th, 2023, featured Peter de Jager, a renowned workshop trainer, author, and international speaker, focusing on the theme of change management. Mr. de Jager shared valuable insights derived from his personal experiences, delving into the dynamics of individual versus organizational change. The session emphasized the critical role of management in navigating and facilitating change, addressing the challenges associated with fallbacks. Communication’s paramount significance in the change process was underscored, exploring how effective communication can mitigate resistance and drive successful implementation.
During the interactive session, participants actively engaged with the topic, posing questions and seeking clarification on various aspects of change management. Mr. de Jager adeptly navigated discussions on the Kubler-Ross cycle, providing a nuanced understanding of the emotional dimensions inherent in change. De Jager not only discussed prevalent change management issues but also provided a glimpse into his upcoming book, “Busted,” which promises to debunk management myths through logical analysis, personal experience, and intellectual curiosity. Overall, the workshop provided a comprehensive exploration of change management, blending theory with practical insights, and fostering an environment of active participation and learning among students.