Launch of IBA Marketing Forum
Date: 27th November 2014
Launch of IBA Marketing Forum
Indus Business Academy (IBA), Bangalore organized a Workshop on “My 50 years in Marketing” on 21st March 2014 wherein an eminent Marketing scholar Dr. Madhav Kacker took the audience through his Marketing career spanning over 50 years. The session was of great significance to all, since the speaker had witnessed the developments in the Marketing field more than anyone else did. During his presentation, he observed there is no active Marketing body in India that can promote and develop Marketing ideas. He also wondered that IBA can initiate to work towards forming one.
That is when Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director – IBA Bangalore suggested the formation of a Marketing Forum in IBA Bangalore. The marketing faculty, along with the guidance of the Director decided unanimously to name this forum as “Indus Business Academy Marketing Forum (IBAMF).” All the faculty members deliberated and discussed the functioning, of this Marketing Forum, Vision, objectives, and activities of the Forum. The entire IBA Bangalore faculty fraternity are the founding members of IBAMF. We believe this is just a step ahead to realize the wish of Dr. Madhav Kacker.
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[accordion_item caption=”Vision” title_color=’#69b200′ background_color=’#E5E4E2′]
To function as a unique forum in Marketing in India by its existence through the activities it conducts, to take the Marketing ideas, and innovation to national and global levels to benefit the stakeholders; the students, faculty members, and most importantly, Indus Business Academy (IBA) itself.
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[accordion_item caption=”Objectives” title_color=’#69b200′ background_color=’#E5E4E2′]
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- To work towards minimizing the gap between the existing theories and practice by sharing ideas, by holding brainstorming sessions/seminars, by arranging workshops which give a common platform for scholars and practitioners.
- To ensure the academic-industry interface as part of the continuous learning process in Marketing, which hones students’ academic skills by immersing themselves with marketing practices.
- To promote the Marketing Faculty Development Programs aiming to develop the prowess of marketing faculty.
The event started with Dr. Subhash Sharma addressing the audience, which was followed by a keynote address from Prof. Mithileshwar Jha, Professor in Marketing, IIM Bangalore. His address was followed up by Panel Discussion on “New Age Marketing in the Indian context.”
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- Impact of Social Media on product life, Branding, and New product commercialization
- Digital revolution and the changing landscapes of retailing
- Big data analytics in Marketing: Is it really possible to predict the future?
- Consumer behaviour in the digital era and its impact on elements of Marketing