Archish 2019
Date: 22nd & 23rd February 2019
Archish, the National level management fest, conducted every year by Indus Business Academy, Bangalore, was conducted this year as well with great zeal and enthusiasm by the students. This year, the fest was for the 22nd and 23rd of February. This fest had a diverse range of verticals like Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Best Manager, Photography, Business Conglomerate, Treasure Hunt, B-Quiz, and Cultural. This time, the students had come up with a much trending theme that made colleges to participate with a lot more excitement. The theme was related to Player’s Unknown Battle Ground or PUBG, a revolutionary game that has caught the attention of all the gamers worldwide, amalgamated with Space exploration as a tribute to ISRO for the great work done by the them in the past couple of years. Theme was thus named MUBG (Manager’s Unknown Battle Ground) Space edition.
The entire fest was designed and ideated with the props of the game, and the entire college was decorated with PUBG and space-based gimmicks, making it more alluring for most of the colleges. Undergraduate and Postgraduate colleges took part in the fest competing in various verticals and appreciated the work by the students. Verticals like, Best manager, Treasure hunt, Business Conglomerate, and Photography were the major attractions of the event with active participation and thrilling performances in the Cultural vertical that followed after the management verticals. While Beat Boxing on Day 1 was the major crowd puller, various other power-packed performances delivered by participating colleges also left the audiences spellbound.
On Day 2, final rounds took place in all the verticals with a high level of competition shown by the participating teams despite the mental pressure through stress rounds and testing circumstances. In the evening, the efforts of participant teams culminated with the prize distribution, and all winners combined getting prizes worth Rs. 2.5 lakhs. The Kitchen Drummers then took over the stage and put up an exciting performance that had everyone’s adrenaline pumping. With some more host team performances and fashion show exhibition, the event came to an end that had mesmerized everyone for the two days.
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Arshish 2019