24 August 2012 Mr. Tony Varghese Francis, Head – South, Red FM 93.5, took a day out of his busy schedule to interact with the students of IBA and share his experience in the corporate world. Tony Varghese, in his …
5th IBA International Conference, Locating Thought Currents and Thought Leadership in Business Governance and Society To many, the recent events across the world herald the changing dynamics between governing and the governed. From a passive model of recipient of paternalistic …
Date: 27th July 2012 Justice Santosh Hegde, Ex-Judge Supreme Court and Lokayukta of Karnataka shared his thoughts over Current scenario in Public Office with people at IBA. He gave a brief introduction about the work in parliament and, mentioned an …
Date: July 25, 2012 Mr. Harsh V. Trehan, Director (Human Resources), BAE Systems India (Services) Pvt. Ltd. graced the students of IBA with his insightful lecture. Mr. Harsh, in his lecture, mentioned about the Work in Diversity. He also explained …
Saurabh Prakash Director, Sales – IT, Hewlett-Packard July 10, 2012 Mr. Saurabh explained the Responsibility of a cooperate citizen and explained about team building.
25 June 2012 Mr. Satish Viswanathan, Director, BSG-Microsoft, addressed the students at IBA regarding the Importance of Interaction. Mr. Satish started by introducing himself to the students and soon came around the discussion about the Importance of Interaction. He explained that …
Date : 22nd June 2012 Mr. Anand Talwai, Ex- CEO of WIPRO and Executive Director & Co-founder of Nextwealth.in shared his thoughts with the students of IBA regarding the Corporate and social values at Nextwealth.in. He also took time to …
21 June 2012 Mr. Shoaib Ahmed, President – Tally Solutions India Ltd., gave tips to students regarding how to overcome stage fear and how to make the job interesting. He gave career guidance to students and gave a brief story of …
20 June 2012 Career Guidance for Finance Specialization Prof. S. P. Srinivasan, Finance Manager, BHEL took time to come to IBA and guided the students about a career in the finance industry. He explained to them about various fields & profiles …
Orientation Ceremony for 12th batch of “IBA – Bangalore” 18th June, 2012 “Ya Kundendu E, tushaar Haar dhavala, Ya subhra Vastravita, Ya Veenaam Vardanamandit karo, Ya Shwet Padmasana, Ya Bramhachyut Shankar Prabhitibhir, Devai Sada Vandata, Saa Maa Saraawati Bhagwati, …