Campus Cleaning Drive By Hope Committee
Date: 1st Dec. 2019
We often go around using this quote, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” But how much do we mean it?
The HOPE Committee at Indus Business Academy, Bangalore wanted to bring more meaning to this often-used quote and thus organized a Campus Cleaning Drive, on the 1st of December, 2019.
The students at the campus were made aware of this drive using attractive means of communication. Simple, yet meaningful posters, were designed and pasted all around the campus and a small skit showing the life of campus students was enacted by the HOPE Committee members. It conveyed a message to both the senior, as well as the junior batches, that what’s the point in trying to show their care for the need to clean other places, when their own home, the IBA Campus, is not clean. This motivated the students from both the batches to join the Campus Cleaning Drive, the next day.
The Cleaning drive started at sharp 9 A.M. on a gloomy, yet beautiful Sunday. It gave all the volunteers a chance to empathize with the cleaning staff at IBA, by putting themselves in their shoes. What all volunteers got to realize is that how difficult a job it is, for the cleaning staff, to clean all the waste which we as students spill all over the campus.
The drive started with the boys and girls, cleaning their respective hostel corridors. Then, they went on to clean the roads, leading to the hostels, the classroom block, the parking area, basketball & volleyball courts, convocation ground, amphitheatre, the area near the grocery store, and last but not the least, the area near the administration block and the campus main gate.
As a result of this successful initiative by the HOPE Committee, many students spent their Sunday morning judiciously by participating in the Campus Cleaning Drive and making the campus look neat and clean.
Following this drive, the HOPE Committee looks forward to encouraging all the students and staff, to keep their surroundings clean, because as our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, once said,
“Mahatma Gandhi never compromised on cleanliness.
He gave us freedom.
We should give him a clean India.”
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Campus Cleaning 2019
Tag:activities, HOPE