Convocation Ceremony 2022
Date: 21st May 2022
Every graduate thinks that their wait, their efforts, and their anguish have paid off on Convocation Day, for it is on this day that they are all officially recognized Graduates and industry-ready. The day began with groups of graduating students arriving with smiles on their cheeks and a sense of pride in their hearts. The energy of our graduates was unmatched as they ushered in the most awaited event of their academic life amongst their friends and teachers in our college.
The event was presided over by the Chief Guest Mrs. Sumita Dutta Executive Director of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), who graciously accepted our request to be present amongst our student community even amidst her busy schedule.
Our Chief Guest Ms. Sumita Dutta, along with Well-known dignitaries of IBA including Pavan Kumar sir, Board member, IBA Bangalore, Mr. Manish Jain, Founder CEO & Chairman, IBA Bangalore, as well Mr. Anant Sagar, Secretary of IBA Alumni Association along with Dr. Subhendu Dey, Program Director, IBA Bangalore, and all the faculty members also graced the event with their presence.
Soon the ceremony started with esteemed members by lighting the lamp and students started chanting Saraswathi Vandana, filling the aura with purity & peace and blessings of the “Goddess of Knowledge.”
“Yaa Kundendu E, tushaar Haar dhavala, Ya subhra Vastravita,
Ya Veenaa Varadanda manditakara, Ya Shwet Padmasana,
Ya Bramhachyut Shankar Prabhritibhi, Devai Sada Vandita,
Saa Maam Paatu Saraawati Bhagwati, Neeshesh Jaadyapaha”
The ceremony began with a welcome speech by Mr. Manish Jain followed by address from Dr. Subhash Sharma. Subsequently, Mrs.Sumita Dutta was introduced to the gathering, after which she enlightened the passed out batches with her experiences along the professional journey. She also talked about the expectations of the industry from the current crop of managers, and shared her personal experiences addressing “never late to start anything”.
Students graduated with flying colors and the pride was visible on them as well as their near & dear ones. Several students received various awards & Scholarships including Dr. Anil Agrawal’s Memorial Award worth Rs. 51,000. All students were conferred their degree certificate by Mrs.Sumita Dutta with a ray of hope to see them at top levels in different capacities. As our slogan goes “Think Beyond. Think IBA”, its significance was well demonstrated by Batch 18-20 || 19-21. After this, an oath has taken place by graduated batches, which is a long standing custom. “Satyam Vad, Dharma char” (say the truth and follow the road of dharma-values) echoed throughout Guru Kul graduation ceremonies. The time came eventually for the event to end by thanking all those who were present which was well presented by Dr. Subhendu Dey with a hope that the passed out batch will make their Alma Mater proud at all levels.