Name | Dr. A V Ramana Acharyulu |
Subject Area | Strategy & Rural Marketing | |
Prof. Ramana has over 44 years of experience combining 15 years of industry experience filled with micro, macro and global assignments involved in rural development and 29 years of management teaching and research across a range of higher educational institutions in India and abroad. His experience may be summed up in three distinct domains: the first, rural grassroot level institution building; creation and managing market linkages for rural producers organisations and building a basis for social transformation approaches; the second, developing basic skills and competencies in the art and craft of teaching and relating management studies to the practices and principles as they emerge; and thirdly, in creating frameworks and approaches for management processes based on field action – otherwise known as Action-Innovation-Research (AIR).
- B.Sc. (Agriculture), A.P. Agricultural University, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
- PG Diploma in Rural Management (IRMA, Anand)
- Ph.D.(Management), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, TN, India
- Professor at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati
- Dean at Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna
- Professor and Head Academics at Symbiosis School of Media and Communication, Bengaluru
- Professor at Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bengaluru
- Director at Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Kochi
- Professor at TAPMI, Manipal
- Dean at Asian Institute of Communication and research (AICAR) Business School
- Dean (Academics) at KIIT School of Rural Management, Bhubaneswar
- Director at Pioneer School of Management
Text Book:
- Rural Marketing: Concepts and Practices, National Publishing House, Jaipur, November 2003.
- Marketing Management – a Basic framework for Logistics Professionals, CII Institute of Logistics, CII, Chennai, April, 2005
- Communication for Logistics Professionals, CII Institute of Logistics, CII, Chennai, May 2005
- Basics of Customer Relationship Management for Supply Chain Professionals, CII Institute of Logistics, Chennai, July 2005
- Sustainable Marketing and Globalisation (forthcoming), dealing with emerging trends and evolving paradigms in global marketing (expected 2023)
Book Chapters:
- Two chapters – Value Chain analysis and Product life Cycle Analysis in “Rural Marketing in India”, ICFAI University, Hyderabad, April 2004.
- A chapter on “Village Resources Mapping and Assessing Impact of Urbanization on village resources, in Ecological Economics, (ed) Kanchan Chopra, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2001.
Journal Articles
- Raghu Raman, Vinith Nair, Sofi Dinesh, Ramana Acharyulu, (2023), Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT and Bard in Digital Governance: Accuracy, Adaptability, and Readability Insights, ACM Journal, Vol XXI, Issue II, May, 2024
- Ramana Acharyulu, Vaishali Agarwal, Sachin Pavitran, (2023), O-Labs: A Technological Innovation addressing challenges of school education during Covid-19 Pandemic, 3D Journal of Management and Leadership, Vol 15, issue 2, December 2022
- Suresh A, Ramana Acharyulu (2022), Balancing Life, Nature & Businesses in 21st Century: Salience to Resilience – Pursuits of a Spiritual Organization, 3D Journal of Management and Leadership, Vol 15, Issue 2, December 2022
- Acharyulu Ramana, (2021), Emerging Vistas for Start-ups into 21st Century -Three New Dimensions that Drive Sustainability, 3D Journal of Management and Leadership, Vol 14, Issue 2, December 2021.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V., (2018), Challenges in Pursuing Confucianism in Globalised Business Scenarios – Reflections of Few Native Confucian Organisations: A Discourse through Meta-Analysis, Parikalpana, KIIT Journal of Management, pp 19-29, Vol 14(II), Dec 2018.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2018), In Pursuit of Sustainable Rural Enterprises – Sahaj eVillage, Sugyaan, Management Journal of Sivasivani Institute of Management, pp 26-41, Vol 10(II), July-Dec 2018
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2017), Transformative Learning and Its Role in Redefining Management Curriculum, Sugyaan, Journal of Sivasivani Institute of Management, Vol IX(II), July -Dec 2017
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, Agarwal V., Pandey H., (2019), Deccan Pigments and Paints Limited (DPPL): Steering Through Volatile Markets for Sustainability, Parikalpana, KIIT Journal of Management, pp 210-227, Vol 15 (ii-2), Dec 2019
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2018), Revisiting the Idea Called Marketing, Gavesana Journal of Management, Vol 9 (1&2), Jan-Dec 2017
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2017), The Imperative of Resilient Strategy for Businesses in 21 st Century, 3D Journal of Management and Leadership, pp 29-39, Vol 10 (2), Jan-June 2019
- Vaishali Agarwal, Saharan T, Acharyulu A V R (2018), Self-Driven Consumer Diagnostics Businesses in National Capital Region (NCR), India, Parikalpana, KIIT Journal of Management, pp. 45-57, Vol 14 (II) Dec, 2018.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2020), Do the Emerging Trends in CSR in India Hint at Evolution of Karmic Way of Corporate Life? 3D Journal of Management and Leadership, pp 88-95, Vol 11(II), Jan-June 2020
- Vaishali Agarwal, Acharyulu A V R., (2019), Rental Business Models: an insight into emerging consumption behaviour for a new service concept, Spectrum, Journal of JBIMS, Jan-July, 2019
- Acharyulu, A V R., Vaishali Agarwal (2020), Category Involvement and Brand Attitude in Indian Cooking Oil Industry, Journal of ASBM, ASBM University, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Acharyulu A V R., Vaishali Agarwal, Manoj Prabhakar (2021), The Clarion – A Social Enterprise Creating Blue Oceans in School Stationary Industry for Sustainability, Emerging Markets Cases, Sage, New Delhi
- Acharyulu Ramana, Chandrasekar R, (2008), Re-inventing cooperatives – the Indian Rural Management Challenge, Pragati, Journal of SIMER, India.
- Acharyulu Ramana, Chandrasekar R (2009), RFID: a value enhancer in product recovery, Parikalpana, Journal of SOM, Bhubaneswar.
- Acharyulu Ramana (2010), Social Policy and Climate Change, Journal of Social Policy, McMaster University, Canada.
- Acharyulu Ramana, (2011), Globalization of Indian Businesses, an evolving perspective, Domain, Journal of JSB, Coimbatore, August, 2011
- Acharyulu Ramana (2012), Whither Indian Public Sector Enterprises, Upakram, July-Sep 2012
- Acharyulu A V R (2004), From Seed to Market: Agricultural Supply Chains in India, ISCAN, Issue 1, Vol 1, CII Institute of Logistics, October 2005
- Ramana Acharyulu, (2025), Transformative Role of Upanishads in Sustaining a Good Society and Good Life, International Seminar on Cultivating Transformative Faith and a New Ecology of Hope, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, Jan 2025.
- Acharyulu Ramana, Ananthi R, Payel Das, (2024), Parivahan Seva Portal: Transforming Indian Transportation Regulation Services with Technology, 19th International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Aug 2024
- Ranga Rao K, Ramana Acharyulu, Pushpendra Kumar, Driving Accountability and eGovernance: Significance of Integrated Portal for Filing Income Tax Returns, 19th International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Aug 2024
- Raghu Raman, Vinith Nair, Ramana Acharyulu, (2024), Jeevan Pramaan: the Digital Solution for Simplification of Annual Life Certificate for Pensioners, 19th International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Aug 2024
- Acharyulu Ramana, Sougata Ray, Darshan D, (2024), National Agricultural Market (NAM): A Journey to Redefine Farmers’ Markets, 9th PAN-IIM International Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur, Jan 2024
- Acharyulu Ramana, Mahesh Narayan, (2024), Evolution of eCourts as a Citizen Centric eGovernance Initiative, 9th Pan-IIM International Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur, Jan 2024
- Meera Chakravorty, Subhendu Dey, Ramana Acharyulu (2024), Aesthetics in Waste Management: A Tenet for Driving Life and Sustainable Living, 9th Pan-IIM International Conference, IIM, Sambalpur, January 2024
- Ramana Acharyulu, Vinith Nair (2023), Aadhar: The Premise for creating a backbone for eGovernance platform, XVIII International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Aug 2023.
- Ramana Acharyulu, Avinash Shivadas, Vaishali Agarwal, (2023), GeM – Transforming Indian Public Procurement System through eGovernance, XVIII International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Aug 2023.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V (2023), Ethics and Aesthetics – Relating Our Daily Lives with the Four Vedas and Upanishads, International Seminar-cum-Webinar on Rethinking and Transforming Business, Politics and Society – Calling of Ethical, Aesthetic and Spiritual Transformations: Thiru Kural, Artha Shastra and Beyond, held on 22 Feb 2023, at IBA, Bengaluru.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V (2023), Evolving Strategies in 21st Century – The Praxis of Technological Platforms as the Backbone for Emerging New Technology Businesses Beyond Competitiveness, A Workshop held on 21 Jan 2023 to mark Strategic Management Forum Foundation Day. IBA, Jan 2023.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V (2022), Rethinking Business Studies – From Kautilya to Subhash Sharma – A Tribute the Genius that India Offers to the World, A paper presented in the International Conference held on Rethinking Business Studies, Held At IBA, 09 Dec 2022.
- Acharyulu Ramana A V., (2018), Challenges in Pursuing Confucianism in Globalised Business Scenarios – Reflections of Few Native Confucian Organisations: A Discourse through Meta- Analysis, International Workshop of Strategic Theorisation, Feb 2019, IBA, Bangalore
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2017), Transformative Learning and Its Role in Redefining Management Curriculum, 3rd International Conference on Management Studies and emerging trends, held at XIME, Bengaluru
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2018), Revisiting the Idea Called Marketing, at the International Workshop of Marketing Professionals Forum, held at IBA, Bengaluru
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2017), The Imperative of Resilient Strategy for Businesses in 21st Century, Strategic Management Forum Annaual Workshop, held at IBA, Bengaluru
- Acharyulu Ramana A V, (2020), Do the Emerging Trends in CSR in India Hint at Evolution of Karmic Way of Corporate Life? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Corporate Social and Spiritual Responsibility, held at IBA, 2020.
- Vaishali Agarwal, Acharyulu A V R., (2019), Rental Business Models: an insight into emerging consumption behaviour for a new service concept, International Conference on Marketing and Strategy, held at Jamanlal Bajaj Institute of Management, Mumbai
- Ramana Acharyulu A V., Vaishali Agarwal (2019), Unique and Unitary Marketing Strategies for emerging economies: Learnings from India, presented at the 12th International Conference on Marketing Strategies, held March 2020, IBA, Bengaluru
- Vaishali Agarwal, Ramana Acharyulu A V (2019), Marketing to Generation Z and Use of Short- Lived Content, 2019 IIM Indore – Nasmei Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference, Indian Institute of Management Indore July 26-28, 2019
- Vaishali Agarwal, Ramana Acharyulu A V, (2019), Lifestyle brands and emergence of consumer cultures in India, TAPMI Marketing Conference, 2019, April 2019
- Adopting for Global Economy in a Liberalized Market Scenario, Journal of Management, BITM, June, 2000
- Globalization – End of Competitive Model of Economic Activity, 25th National Conference of Indian Society of Social Sciences, Trivandrum, 2001
- Factors Influencing a successful Communication Course, 1st National Conference of Communication Teachers, IIMA, 2001
- The Case of “Two percent for Sustainability”, (Case Study on strategy of a national level rural development body) Association of Indian Management Schools, New Delhi, 1998, Amrita Institute of Management, Coimbatore
- The Case of Continental Cements Co. (case study of one of the oldest cement factories of Coimbatore, and its Corporate Social Responsibility Practices) 1999, Amrita Institute of Management, Coimbatore
- A Tale of water sharing by two bordering villages of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu (a case study on Game Theory in practice by two communities, 2nd International Conference of Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems, Kathmandu, October, 2002
- Impact of Urbanization on village resources, (a case study on inclusive economics in the emerging cityscape of Coimbatore), Ecological Economics, (ed) Kanchan Chopra, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2001
- New paradigms for Commons, 8th Global Conference of International Association for Study of Common Property, Bloomington, USA, (IASCP), 2000. (
- Agricultural Supply Chains and Market Information Systems, 9 th International Conference of Society of Operations Management, 16-18 Dec. 2005, Pondicherry
- Food Supply Chains and their resurgence in modern trade, Proceedings of 11th Global Conference of IASCP, June 2006
- Sarvadharma Sama bhava: Managing religious diversity – a case of Xavier Institute of Management, Proceedings of International Conference of Jesuit Business Schools, St Joseph University, Lebanon, 2006
- Indian Rural Enterprises – search for global market strategies for survival In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Center for Social Markets, London (CSM), November, 2003.
- Strategies for Reaching the Rural Poor, – a policy paper on blue print for agricultural and agribusiness marketing framework for India, first National Conference on Rural Urban Partnership Development, St. Joseph’s College of Business Administration, Bangalore, June, 2004
- Unfolding a perspective on ethos for business leadership, National seminar on Indian Ethos, Feb 2013, TAPMI, Manipal
- Some thoughts on skilling, teaching effectiveness and new innovations in management education” at the Roundtable Dialogue on Management Education at IBA, on 2nd Dec, 2017
- Confucianism and Pragmatism in today’s businesses of China – meta-analysis of few cases in the International Workshop on Confucianism, Vedanta and Social Theorising Cultivating Planetary Conversations, held on 8th Feb, 2018
- Revisiting the idea called Marketing at the National Workshop cum Seminar on “towards development of a new marketing theory” held at IBA on 17th March, 2018
- Silent Game Changers in Global Markets, Indian Powerhouses of Tomorrow at the 11th International Conference on Visioning a Globally Extended India by 2050, held during 22-24 March, 2018 at IBA.
- Evaluation of Rural Sustainability Initiatives of Select Development Institutions in pursuit of Cooperative Enterprises, DST, 2007-2009, Subject Matter Specialist for a Study awarded to KIIT School of Rural Management, Bhubaneswar.
- Assessing the impact of water harvesting systems established by a select institutions under CSR initiatives, Subject Matter Specialist, Wipro and Ministry of Rural Development, GOI, 2008-09, Rs.10.50 Lakhs, : KIIT School of Rural Management, Bhubaneswar.
- Rubber Board, Kottayam, Pre-feasibility and Go-to-market Feasibility Study for introducing Forest Stewardship Certification (FSC) for rubber plantations of India, 2008-2011, Rs. 11.00 Lakhs
- Government of Bihar, Working on Social Impact Assessment Studies on Setting up a 4000 Megwatt Power Plant in Bihar, Rs.5.05 Lakhs, Co-investigator, CIMP, 2017-18
- Government of India, Railway Dept, Eastern Zone, Railway line expansion in remote areas of Bihar and Bengal, Rs.2.35 lakhs, Co-investigator, CIMP, 2017-18
- Government of Bihar, PWD, Dept. Construction of Four Lane Highway in different districts of Bihar, Rs.4.50 lakhs, Co-investigator, CIMP. 2017-18
- Consulting with a team of NGOs which are working towards an approach paper for redrafting the inclusive growth policy from the primary healthcare perspective, Better World Foundation, Patna, Honorary Subject Matter Specialist, 2016-17
Some of the salient programs designed, developed and conducted, include:
- Designing MIS for an Oilseeds Growers’ Cooperative Federation and District Unions, a one week MDP for Senior Executives of Oilseeds Federations under Operation Golden Flow, 12 programs, June 1984-April 1985, on behalf of NDDB, Anand
- Afforestation Techniques – Remote Sensing – Tree Growers Coops, in collaboration with NRSA and ISRO, Ahmedabad, five programs during Oct 1993-March 1994, for executives and field teams of National Tree Growers’ Coop Federation, Anand
- A series of MDPs on skills and approaches for Effective Time Management – for ACC, Coimbatore, Apollo Tyres, Kochi, PepsiCo, Chennai, Stane’s Tyres; Stane’s Tea, Coimbatore – during 1995-2003
- A series of MDPs on Rural Marketing Strategies for Producers’ Organisations and for FMCG majors of South India, during 2000-2004 at AIM, Coimbatore and during 2013-2016 at XIME, Bengaluru and at IBA, Bengaluru, during 2019-2021.
- Series of FDPs on Case Writing Skills in business management and on eGovernance Programs, TAPMI, Manipal, 2009-2013
- Basic Skills of Case Research for Public Policy Initiatives, FDP at CIMP, Patna, during 2016-2017
- Developing Competencies on Demand Forecasting for SCM professionals, April 2018, IBA, Bengaluru
- Several other FDPs on Service Quality, on designing. Green Supply Chains, on crafting Rural Marketing Strategies for Social enterprises, on building policies within the ambit of recognised Business Ethics of a firm, on the role and significance of Forest Stewardship Certification for rural management professionals, on crafting bye-laws that incorporate Cooperative Principles in the business models of Agri coops; in Hill Region Coops; on Marketing Linkages for nano enterprises for creating sustainable market models; and on Advertising and Sales Promotion for Coconut Farmers and Coir Enterprises were conducted during the last several years.
- Developing “go-to-market” strategies for a global start-up based out of Singapore, in starting India operations (2014-15)
- An assessment study of Common Service Centres (CSCs) and the sustainability of e-governance services in Krishnagiri district, implemented by Sahaj e-village (2013-14)
- Led the Team of Researchers to work on the pre-feasibility assessment study for introducing Forest Stewardship Certification in rubber plantations in India, estimating the demand – supply scenarios for the next twenty years for rubber-wood , for Rubber Board, Govt. of India (2008-2011)
- Participated in the evaluation of Science and Society Project of DST at Gandhigram Rural Development Trust, Dindigul (2009)
- Supply Chain Networks Management for Darjeeling Tea, A Skill Development Program for Executives of Tea Estates of Darjeeling Tea Association, coordinated by Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, December 2006
- Specialized Skill Development for Senior Managers in Customer Relationship Program, Paradeep Phosphates Ltd., January, 2006
- Supply Chain Networks Management for Trainees of CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore, May, 2005
- Developing Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs – Bangalore Management Association, March, 2005
- Training Knowledge Workers, Cognizant Technologies Ltd, Chennai, April 2005
- Building Supply Chains through parallel networking, GRD College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore, February and June, 2005
- Recruitment and Grooming skills for IT Managers, FPT, A Multinational Giant in IT and Telecommunications, November 2007
- Business Strategy and Corporate planning, Diethelm, a Multinational Co., in Food Supply Chains in Asia and Europe, Nov-December 2007
- Development of Supply Chain executives for backend operations, in a telecommunications company, HCMC, October 2006
- Organizing retail service operations, a consumer electronics company, HCMC, March, 2007
- Building retail network through partnered expansion, Trung Nguyen, a G7 Group, January, 2007
- Managing change through self-management, a team building project in a agro processing company, HCMC, July, 2007
- Building Organisation Culture though MBO, ASFC, a synthetic fiber manufacturing company in HCMC, August 2007
- Building brand image of a bank by CRM implementation process in a Vietnamese Bank, HCMC, January, 2007
- Training of executives and implementation of credit management processes, a joint venture bank, HCMC, October, 2006