Farewell to Prof. Suresh V. Chandra
Farewell to Professor Suresh V. Chandra
Date: 5th April 2021
Retirement refers to the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave the work-life behind and focus solely on personal life.
A teacher works very hard to teach their pupils the skills that they need to unleash their potential. They give children a purpose, set them up for success as citizens of the world, and create in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. They encourage students to understand the importance of dedicating themselves to passion projects and endeavours. Like any other profession, teaching also can be challenging and complex, with some days being hard to get through. But, those committed to the teaching profession train some of the brightest minds towards success and become the most important people in their lives.
It is almost every time that we celebrate people’s departure rather than their arrival. But, when it is for the people we cherish a lot, it is different.
Likewise, one such person at IBA is Professor Suresh V. Chandra. Witty, reliable, humourous, knowledgeable, loving and full of life. The ceremony started with Saraswati Vandana, beautifully performed by a student of the 19-21 batch. After that, a student gave the Welcome note for the evening. That gave way to some soothing songs performed by a team of singers from among students. Then a unique poem was recited by a group of students from both batches, which was, presented to Suresh Sir as a farewell gift.
After that, Dean & Director, Dr Subhash Sharma, Founder CEO & Chairman, Dr Manish Jain and Program Director, Dr Subhendu Dey, gave speeches in honour of Prof. Suresh. During his speech, Dr Sharma beautifully mentioned that farewells are not for bidding farewell to a person, but to wish “Well-fare” to that person. Without delay, the entertainment continued with a vibrant, classical performance by the students from both batches. To make the evening more special for sir, the students sang some of his favourite melodious songs. Then, few more faculties were called upon the stage to express their feeling on the farewell of Professor Suresh Chandra. After that, some ’80s songs were revived, with a retro dance performance, by the students. Then, two students from each batch shared their memories and experiences about Suresh sir. It took people down memory lane. Then came the time for another surprise for sir. Students from all the batches that Suresh sir taught, and moulded them to be better person, showed their gratitude through a video. Then, it was time for a speech by the Guest of Honour, Prof. Suresh V. Chandra. The humour, emotions and sincerity touched everybody’s heart. After the speech by sir, cake cutting happened, followed by his felicitation and a Vote of thanks.
The ceremony ended with everyone enjoying the delicious refreshments arranged by YMCC.