GL – Ms. Anjana K R
Date: 27th June 2017
The students of IBA had an interactive session with Ms. Anjana K R, General Manager (HR), Mr. Strafford Fernanndes, HR Specialist (Campus Recruitment), and Mr. Benjin Samuel, – Tata Consultancy Services who enlightened them about “IT Industry, Analytics and the future ahead”.
Ms. Anjana discussed and interacted with students over important topics like:
- Turnaround among industries with the rise of Analytics and its implications
- What changes the IT industry has undergone in the past decade
- Skill sets that are looked for in fresher MBAs, especially by the IT industry
- The desirable learning curve of an MBA across industries and in the IT industry
Ms. Anjana also shared with the students her professional journey and how she moved up the corporate ladder with various assignments, different partners and in distinct markets. She also advised students to take life always one step at a time (with the ultimate goal as a target of course!) and never shy from challenges whatever they may be. The session came to an end with students thanking Ms. Anjana for taking out time from her schedule to impart knowledge and information unto them.
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GL – Ms. Anjana K R
Tag:Guest Lecture