Guest Lecture – Mr. Rajnesh Khosla
Date: 25th June 2018
The students of IBA had an interactive session with Mr. Rajnesh Khosla, Head HR – LG Software India, who clarified their doubts and vision regarding “Career Planning.”
Mr. Rajnesh started by bluntly stating it to the students that their first job is not going to be the dream job because if dreams started getting realized so easily, there won’t be any motivation to strive continuously. He implored upon them to treat every job they get as a stepping stone for the next better opportunity. The session soon went into an interactive mode with Mr. Rajnesh encouraging students to ask questions relevant to the topic rather than him simply lecturing. The students responded well to this thought and asked many questions related to specialization selection, optimum qualification mix for certain industry & job roles, hiring trend in upcoming fields like Analytics, etc. and many more.
Towards the end, Mr. Rajnesh warned students of complacency at any time in their professional life, because at every point, people are judging and form an impression about other people and there is simply no way to escape that.
The session came to an end with the vote of thanks by Prof. Prema Ramachandran for Mr. Rajnesh taking time out from his schedule to impart knowledge to IBA students.
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Mr. Rajnesh Khosla (W)
Tag:Guest Lecture