Guru Purnima
Date: 20th July 2016
Guru Purnima is a festival which is dedicated to show respect to our Gurus (teachers) and express gratitude towards them. Gurus are the ones who lead us to the path of righteousness so that whatever we do in our life we do it in the right way without harming others.
On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, students of PGDM/MBA 15-17 and 16-18 of IBA Bangalore came together and organized an event for their Mentors (Faculty and Staff members), to show their gratitude towards them for always being there for guiding students and making them successful in achieving their goals.
The respect and affection were visible in the efforts students had put in to make the event a success. The program started around 4:30 pm by welcoming all the faculty members of IBA and Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director – IBA Bangalore, with a Tilak on their forehead and with a beautiful Rose. The program started with Saraswati Vandana and lighting of the lamp. It continued with a group of students giving a speech about the significance of Guru and their important role in a student’s life.
Later, the auditorium was enlightened with a speech by Dr. Subhash Sharma; his motivational words inspired all the students and faculty members present over there. Subsequently, other faculty members also gave a speech on being a Guru and what is it all about to them.
The program ended with vote of thanks and cake cutting, followed by hand-prints of faculty members in a Guru-Paduka (white sheet) where they signed and shown the love and affection towards their students.
The event came to an end with chants of the following Guru mantra:
Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah
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