Industry Visit: TVS Motors
Date: 26th November 2015
TVS Motor Co Ltd., Hosur Plant
Prof. Muvva Butchi Babu along with students of 2015-17 batch, went to the Hosur plant of TVS Motor Co Ltd. They were given a guided tour by Mr. M. Krishna, HR Manager of the plant. TVS Motor Company is the third-largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and amongst the top ten in the world, with annual revenue of more than Rs. 10,131 Cr in 2014-15 (around USD 1.6 billion), and is the flagship company of 3 million 2 wheelers & 1.2 lakh 3 wheelers a year. TVS Motor Company Ltd., a member of the TVS group, is the largest company of the group in terms of size and turnover.
Set up in the year 1978, the company was named after the founder Mr. T V Sundaram Iyenger. In 1982, the company had a collaboration with Suzuki when it was renamed as TVS Suzuki and later TVS Motor Company in 2001. TVS follows Jishu Hozen philosophy, one of the pillars of the Total productive Maintenance.
Out of the 4 manufacturing plants which TVS has, Hosur plant is the mother plant. The other three are in India (Mysore and Himachal) and one in Indonesia (Karavat). The Hosur division within itself has 3 plants. Students visited plant 1, which handles the manufacturing of Mopeds and Scooters. The efficiency of the plant is that it assembles a Moped every 17 seconds and a Scooter every 23 seconds.
Very uniquely, the Painting Shop in TVS plant works completely on Solar energy, and they also have the technology for making use of Tidal energy. In case of failure of both, diesel generators, are always kept ready as back up. TVS makes use of a technology called the “Cofft” which is exclusively owned by them. Using that, all the air-conditioners in the plant work on hot vapours and not on electricity.
Concerning work culture, the students felt impressed about the following observations they made:
- The company follows a flat hierarchy structure
- Nobody in the company is supposed to sit in the plant until necessary/required
- Every new employee no matter which designation, has to work for the initial 3 months on the assembly line
- Every employee including the Chairman takes food in the canteen where the self-service format is followed by everyone which includes, washing of one’s plate as well