International Conference 2013
6th IBA International Conference, Situating New Management Philosophy: Nature, Mind and Technology
As communism died and capitalism is falling apart, as human relations and corporate connections have leapt over national boundaries, as environmental concerns and economic challenges worry the global population, it is for the science, art and wisdom of management to take centre stage to find intelligent solutions for humanity in 21st century. The timely theme chosen for the purpose is Nature, Mind and Technology.
As technology, is used to manage and govern human affairs as never before, serious questions, are raised of its impact on both Nature and Human Beings. The most significant one is: How to manage the relationship between these so that both man and his place in nature are not only sustained but enhanced and developed to a higher degree resulting in a better quality of life marked by general well-being and happiness for all?
Further, traditional industrial information mass media-centric economy reflects an elitist form of social and economic discourse. Intellectual property battles in the pharmaceutical industry (TRIPS), copyright regimes (SOPA, shrinking public domain, battle against ‘pirates’), and knowledge cartels stand testimony to this. At any point of view, societal discourses get rooted in three forms. Challenges to the public sphere through generative internet-based business models and the Arab Spring present limits on the extent of societal tolerance for top-down approaches. Sharing based production models (Wikipedia), open innovation models (PnG, IBM), user-driven innovations (Google Maps, Lego Toy) and other online business models (Intuit, Amazon, E-bay) present a new wave in business thinking, at the intersections of nature, mind and technology.
A further fundamental change on the horizon is the rise of India’s soft power. India’s unique contribution to global society in general and the US in particular, from Swami Vivekananda (Spiritual tradition) to Mahatma Gandhi (Social action) the Emergence of Knowledge Professionals in the current era, is witnessing a revived and heightened interest. As a model of soft power, essentially rooted in mind, trickling up to the upper echelons of the society, Indian Management thoughts are now attracting serious attention even among the Western thinkers.
Though the transition is full of glorious uncertainties, it is our duty in attempting to map the future directions of the interfaces of the global society; economy and polity. It calls for the need for a new ‘Earth Shastra’. The current edition of the conference, therefore, creates a common platform for scholars, students, corporate practitioners and activists to discuss and disseminate the thought currents and thought leadership that will shape the coming years.
The significance of the conference theme and image is rooted in the following
- Nature – Image of the Earth, the outer circle – Management by Sustainability Principle
- Technology – Higgs Boson, the inner circle, one of man’s highest scientific achievements – the discovery of the very origin of the universe – Technology as a management tool
- Mind – Nataraja, the dancing Shiva, the innermost circle – the symbol of ever creative, ever inventive, ever-renewing intelligence – Mind-controlled responsible management