International Yoga Day 2018
Date: 21st June 2018
With full enthusiasm and zeal, IBA Bangalore observed the International Yoga Day with kind guidance from special guests Dr. Srinidhi Parthasarathi (Director – Vyasa Business School, SVYASA), Prof. Shreeparna Roy (Asst. Professor – Yoga, SVYASA) and Ms. Madhusmitha (Student – SVYASA University).
The event kicked off with a session by Dr. Srinidhi, where-in he detailed the link between Yoga and Management and how Yoga helps in being a better manager. It was followed by Prof. Shreeparna, explaining the various aspects of Yoga, its real-time impact and usefulness. Subsequently, everyone proceeded to the ground to practice various mind-body relaxation asanas under the guidance of Prof. Shreeparna. The session was attended by the students of IBA, as well as the Faculty & Staff members.
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