International Yoga Day 2019
Date: 21st June 2019
An ode to India’s growing soft power worldwide, the International Yoga Day was observed at IBA with the enlightening guidance of Dr. Kshamashree Madle (Professor – Yoga, SVYASA) and her students Ms. Indu & Ms. Pallavi. It was also the first session for the newly joined Batch 2019-21 of IBA Bangalore, who were brimming with enthusiasm for a new beginning in their professional life.
The event started with a presentation given by Dr. Kshamashree, in which she detailed, how practising Yoga is going to be essential for the students as they progress in the stressful corridors of corporate. She detailed the various aspects of Yoga, breaking the myth that “Yoga is all about asanas.” She demonstrated various ways in which one can practice Yoga in everyday life without having to dedicate a lot of time, and in turn, lead a calm & stress-free routine. Post the presentation, everyone proceeded to the mini stadium where under the instructions of Dr. Kshamashree and demonstration by Ms. Indu and Ms. Pallavi all the students practised various asanas that would help in keeping a fitter & flexible body as well as an attentive & calm mind. The session was attended by the students of IBA, as well as the Faculty & Staff members.
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International Yoga Day 2019
Tag:activities, Celebrations