Makar Sankarnti 2019
Makar Sankranti, also known as Makara Sankranti, is celebrated in various parts of the Indian subcontinent to observe the day which marks the shift of the sun into ever-lengthening days. The festival is a seasonal observance as well as a religious celebration. The nation gears up to welcome not just the warmth of the Lohri bonfire, but also spread the Makar Sankranti cheer and convey greetings of Pongal.
It is indeed the most joyous occasion as the series of winter harvest festivals starting with Lohri, Makar Sankranti and Pongal kick-off. IBA is a place where it is home to people from several parts of India. Apart from the focus on studies, IBA also focuses on expanding cultural knowledge of students by celebrating every festival with students actively participating in organising them. All the festivals celebrated in a year are organised by YMCC Committee where students take care of all the arrangements.
Makar Sankranti was celebrated on 15th January by creating an atmosphere of Sankranti with Rangoli, Kites and delicious food. The main purpose of Rangoli during Sankranti is for decoration, and it is believed to bring good luck. The Rangoli Competition was held between students where most of them took to show their skills and creativity at different places on campus with the competition winner getting rewarded for their art.
People mostly miss the delectable food during festive seasons. At IBA, apart from celebrations, lovely and delicious food is also served to people based on the kind of festival. For Sankranti, most of the traditional food items, which formed a tasty meal, were served to everyone. The arrangement was done by Santripti (The Mess Committee), and was very tasty and made everyone feel like eating home-made food. Last, but not the least, the most enjoyable game for people from every age group, Kite Flying was organised in CR block for both the batches in which faculty & staff members also joined. It brought out the kid in everyone, and they enjoyed while being a part of it. IBA with this becomes home away from home for students during festivals.
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