NHRD Bangalore
Date: 24.02.2024
The National HRD Network (NHRD) event held in Bangalore on February 24 was a transformative experience for the participating students from batches 23-25 and 22-24. Organized by the i3 committee, this event was designed to provide a platform for self-discovery, learning, and growth in the realm of human resources and personal development. Accompanied by the i3 committee, the students delved into various activities and workshops aimed at honing their skills, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and envisioning their career paths.
One of the highlights of the event was the Visioning Exercise, which guided participants to formulate clear goals and define actionable steps to achieve them. Through this exercise, students were encouraged to envision their future selves and map out the necessary actions to manifest their aspirations. This exercise not only fostered clarity of purpose but also instilled a sense of direction and motivation among the participants.
Another crucial aspect of the event was the exploration of superpowers and derailers. Participants engaged in activities to identify their innate strengths and potential obstacles that could hinder their progress. By understanding their superpowers and derailers, students gained valuable insights into their personal dynamics and learned how to leverage their strengths while mitigating potential challenges.
Self-reflection was emphasized throughout the event, with participants encouraged to analyze past experiences and identify areas for growth. Through various techniques and tools, such as deep-dive habits techniques and self-reflection exercises, students developed a deeper understanding of themselves and their behaviors. This self-awareness proved instrumental in fostering personal development and facilitating positive change.
The event also provided practical tools and techniques for actioning goals and overcoming obstacles. From prioritization techniques to action learning projects, participants were equipped with the necessary skills to translate their visions into tangible outcomes. Through real-life experimentation and interaction with HR professionals, students honed their abilities to navigate complex situations and drive meaningful change.
The outcomes of the event were profound and far-reaching. Participants reported increased self-awareness and ownership of their strengths and weaknesses, which empowered them to grow personally and professionally. Many students found clarity in their career paths and developed concrete action plans to pursue their goals. Moreover, participants were able to identify and break free from habits that held them back, enabling them to unleash their full potential.
The event also facilitated the development of communication skills and confidence, as students learned to articulate their ideas, influence others, and carve out their space in the professional world. By practicing the principles learned during the event in real-time scenarios, participants solidified their learning and prepared themselves for future challenges.
Overall, the NHRD event in Bangalore proved to be a transformative experience for the students, providing them with invaluable insights, skills, and tools to thrive in the field of human resources and beyond. Through self-discovery, goal-setting, and practical application, participants emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, ready to embark on their journey of personal and professional growth.