Research Workshop in Marketing
A Research Workshop in Marketing
Theme: Towards Development of a New Marketing Theory
Date: 17th March, 2018
Venue: Indus Business Academy, Bangalore
The research workshop was organized by Indus Business Academy, Bangalore in association with Indus Business Academy Marketing Forum (IBAMF) and Hunterz Ignite (Marketing club at IBA). The workshop started with the theme introduction by Dr. Subhash Sharma (Director, IBA Bangalore). The concept of “ViSwa” model talks about integrating “Videshi” and “Swadeshi” and developing new marketing strategies to penetrate broader dimensions.
The workshop was divided into two sessions. The morning session included paper presentations, model proposals, idea sharing and brainstorming. This session witnessed participation from both professors and students, having keen interest in research works. New ideas and intriguing theories made the session even more interesting. Some of the research topics were – Influencer Marketing, using “Mealworms” for sustainable marketing, Study on Dabbawalas as a part of Sustainable Marketing, Conscientious Marketing, Disruptive Companies and their Asset Light aspect, Emotional analysis towards Sustainable Marketing, etc. Meaningful exchange of ideas and suggestions took place during this session.
The afternoon session began with the introduction speech about IBA Marketing Forum from Prof. Nagendra Hegde. This session included interactive experience sharing by marketing practitioners.
The eminent speakers for the day included Prof. Jagdish Sheth (Charles H. Kellstadt Prof. of Marketing, Emory University Goizueta Business School USA), Ms. Anita Nayyar (CEO, India & South Asia Havas Media Group, Gurgaon), Mr. Suresh A (Department of Management, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham) and Ms. Vandana Suri (Founder ROO & CEO, Taxshe, Bangalore). It was a pleasure listening to all of their experience and the marketing strategies, they have used. We are in the era of breakthrough and breakaway marketing and they quoted several examples supporting the same. The audience got involved with every speaker’s speech which was evident from the inquisitive questions being raised and their level of involvement.
The workshop was thought provoking and provided new dimensions to “Marketing” as an idea. The key idea that sprang up in the workshop is that marketing is no more limited to marketing products or services but it is about building a relationship between the brand and the customer by inventing or discovering new ways of conveying the value proposition. It’s not what the marketer can offer but what the consumer can consume.
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Research Workshop in Marketing